​​​​​​​​​​​Help promote children's literacy in 2023!

​​Children's literacy has always been important. The need could be even greater now with the disruption in learning caused by the pandemic. Let's work together to make it a top priority in 2023, raising readers in communities nationwide. 

​​Participating in the 2023 Raising Readers campaign also helps you earn premier status, with an easy-to-implement activity each quarter. 


New this year! Participate at any time during the quarter, and choose what activity category works best for your chapter or youth club! Keep track and report how many children you reach with the activity to qualify for the quarterly incentive drawing. ​​

​Participate and win!

​​Earn a chance to a win a 12-month Amazon Prime subscription - 30 winners drawn each quarter. Learn about the incentivesfor participating in the 2023 Raising Readers campaign, including how to qualify and how to know if you win. ​

Quarter 1
(January - March)​

Quarter 2
(April - June)

Quarter 3
(July - September)

Quarter 4
(October - December)

​Service project OR Hometown Hero

​Service project

​Service project OR Matching Fund

​Service project, educational event OR Hometown Hero

​Read Across America

Ask members to sign up to read to or with children at schools, libraries, child centers, mothers' day out programs, parent/child play groups, children's literacy organizations or other community groups. 
Members can bring books with them or the children in the group can bring their own to read. Make it a Hometown Hero by also honoring a staff member at the event. 
Note: Encourage members who can't attend your event to read to/with a child on their own and let you know they participated. Add them to the attendance sheet or Fraternal Connect. 

Survey: Report the number of children you and members reach (or potentially reach) with this activity. We will add it to the  nationwide tally and enter you into the quarterly incentive drawing.

​Be a Book Fairy

Gather children's books (used books in good condition are fine), put them in clear, zip-close bags, and hide them near playgrounds and schools, outside local organizations, or anywhere children might easily find them. Include an insert explaining that the finder should enjoy the book and then hide it again for someone else to find. 

Survey: Report the number of children you and members reach (or potentially reach) with this activity. We will add it to the nationwide tally and enter you into the quarterly​ incentive drawing.

​Adopt a ...

Bring members together to adopt a classroom, library or children's literacy organization. Ask what's needed (books, supplies, cozy reading corner, money, etc.). Then go shopping with members, host a community drive, do a hands-on project or organize a Matching Fund to benefit your adoptee. 

Survey: Report the number of children you and members reach (or potentially reach) with this activity. We will add it to the nationwide tally and enter you into the quarterly incentive drawing.

​​Tell Me a Story

Create homemade children's books​. Then work one-on-one with children at schools, libraries, child centers, mothers' day out programs, parent/child play groups, children's literacy organizations or other community groups to help write their own stories. Make it a Hometown Hero by also honoring a staff member at the activity. 
Note: Encourage members who can't attend your event to create the blank books on their own to contribute to the donation. Add them to the attendance sheet or Fraternal Connect. 

Survey: Report the number of children you and members reach (or potentially reach) with this activity. We will add it to the nationwide tally and enter you into the quarterly incentive drawing.

​Helpful Tools:

Activity guide: Learn how to request,  host and report the activity, about special supplies available, and about incentives you could earn.  

Idea resource​: Get ideas for hosting this activity. 

Talking points: Use these message templates to craft and customize content for your chapter or club's closed Facebook group and other communication to members. 

Media release template: Customize with your activity details, then send to your local media outlets. *Right click and "save as."

​Helpful Tools:

​​Activity guide: Learn how to request, host and report the activity, about special supplies available, and about incentives you could earn. 

Idea resource: Get ideas for hosting this activity. 

Talking points: Use these message templates to craft and customize content for your chapter or club's closed Facebook group and other communication to members. 

Media release template: Customize with your activity details, then send to your local media outlets. *Right click and "save as."

​Helpful Tools:

Activity guide: Learn how to request, host and report the activity, about special supplies available, and about incentives you could earn. 

Idea resource: Get ideas for hosting this activity. 

Talking points: Use these message templates to craft and customize content for your chapter or club's closed Facebook group and other communication to members. 

Media release template: Customize with your activity details, then send to your local media outlets. *Right click and "save as."

Helpful Tools:

​​Activity guide: Learn how to request, host and report the activity, about special supplies available, and about incentives you could earn. 

Idea resource: Get ideas for hosting this activity. 

Talking points: Use these message templates to craft and customize content for your chapter or club's closed Facebook group and other communication to members. 

Media release template: Customize with your activity details, then send to your​​ local media outlets. *Right click and "save as."

Bonus! Want to make sure you earn premier status in 2023? Try these monthly ideas.